About Nepal

Wedged between the snowy mountains and lush forests of the Terai region, it is the land of the Sherpas, yaks and yetis, monasteries, temples and mantras. Renowned world over for having Mount Everest within its territory Nepal is also a     preferred holiday destination for many people around the world, a country where tradition rubs shoulder with modern technological advances. There are numerous cultural and religious festivities celebrated around the year which makes it a land of joy and celebrations.

After the Maoist insurgency, tourism has once again surfaced in the country. Hotels and restaurants are booming thanks to the inflow of tourists. Like in Nepal, tourism sector is also growing in vast majority  of countries like Dubai, Malaysia, Qatar etc. Constructions of hotels loom large in the horizon. Travel for leisure and business is expected to increase in the future. It will only continue to rise.

This will create a real need for people with good working knowledge of the hospitality industry and all the latest practices. There will also be a need for people with great hospitality management skills. Making sure a hospitality business is well run with a primary focus on customer service and satisfaction, while also keeping an eye on the profitability of the business, takes skill and resourcefulness. Skilled and trained manpower in hospitality management will be in demand and get better jobs in the future than those without degrees. 

This booming tourism sector has given an opportunity to youth of the country to either seek a career in Nepal or  venture outside for world experience in Hospitality.

As good as the country, its people have earned a name for themselves in the arena of bravery and sacrifices and are preferred for their simplicity and prowess for diligent working abilities. Having proved their capability while protecting various countries and building cities. Their loyalty and sense of sacrifice bears testimonies.